You may qualify for free legal assistance from the government. This is known as legal aid and is offered by the government to help with the costs of legal advice, family mediation and representation in court. Legal aid is only open to those who have a case that is eligible to receive legal aid, have a serious problem and cannot afford to pay the costs of legal advice and/or representation.
You can check if you are eligible for legal aid by visiting and completing an online survey or by contacting a legal aid solicitor. You can search for legal aid solicitors by using The Law Society’s website.
If you are eligible for legal aid, there are organisations that offer free assistance to those who have legal issues like Citizens Advice. They may be of some assistance themselves and may also be able to recommend volunteer lawyers or charities that offer free legal advice and/or representation.
You can also look for law centres or free legal advice clinics in your area. These tend to be run by volunteer solicitors/trained legal advisers. You can search for a law centre or free legal advice clinic in your area by visiting The Law Centre Network and Law Works websites.
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