It is possible for you to write your will at home without paying a penny. However, there is a risk that such a will may not be legally binding, which is why you should seek legal assistance.
Some charities offer basic wills for free. For example, Will Aid run an event in November each year where participating solicitors offer their will drafting services for free. This is usually limited to very basic wills. You can obtain details of participating solicitors by visiting the Will Aid website in November. Other charities who offer free wills include Cancer Research UK, The Stroke Association and The Children’s Hospital.
Solicitors may charge anywhere from £100 up to thousands of pounds for a will depending on its complexity. Factors such as the following will be considered when they quote you a price:
In any event, you should shop around to increase your chances of getting the best possible price.
It is highly recommended you use a solicitor to write your will for the following reasons:
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